Satellite imagery, passed to The Daily Telegraph, reportedly shows that a substantial harbour has been built, which could house a score of nuclear ballistic missile submarines and a host of aircraft carriers. The daily reported that one photograph shows China's latest 094 nuclear submarine at the base just a few hundred miles from its neighbours. Other images show numerous warships moored to long jetties and a network of underground tunnels at the Sanya base at Hainan Island.
"The bullying power is collapsing and falling down. They are at the end of their the end of their road," the Iranian president said at a crowded press conference in Delhi on Tuesday night after meetings with President Pratibha Patil and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
India is not particularly enamoured by the AMF idea and would much rather see the Fund revitalised and reinvented as a multilateral institution. Indeed, there could be a meeting of minds between India and the US on the IMF's future.
India, however, would be well advised to take this decrease in Chinese defence spending with a pinch of salt, writes Harsh V Pant.
If China attains economic predominance, democracy may well lose its lustre as the global norm.
Referring to Iran's nuclear programme, Israel said it would lead to destabilisation in the Middle East and set off a nuclear arms race in the region.
China is using its growing trade power to enhance its global influence, especially in Africa, Latin America and Asia, where it is perceived as an all-weather friend. Since opening up its economy in 1978, China's foreign trade has been growing by leaps and bounds.
'India should strive to establish itself as a pole in a multi-polar world instead of being a satellite to a sinking America.'
The dispersion of global economic power augurs well for the role of ideas in policy-making.
A week before Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and United States President Barack Obama's first high-level talks in Washington, India got a 'shocker' from Obama via Beijing. The joint statement issued by US and China, after the talks between Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao, declared that both sides "support the improvement and growth of relations between India and Pakistan." This created much confusion and suspicion in New Delhi.
The coordinated terrorist attacks against military installations as well as civilian bazaar areas across Pakistan over the last week seem to have thrown the country into such a nervous spin that ordinary Pakistanis are beginning to ask if better relations with India can help restore some desperately-needed normalcy to their country.
We need to be careful not to confuse financial market reform with following the US model of regulation, if finance is to remain a servant, not master, of the real economy, says A V Rajwade.
The Pakistan Army is reported to have taken into custody one serving Brigadier and four Majors for having links with the Hizb-ut-Tehrir (Party of Liberation).
A statement issued by the NAPM argues, "The deal has the potential of disturbing regional stability and further distorting India 's relationships with important neighbours like China, Pakistan and Iran." It states that the efforts to generate power from nuclear energy have failed in advanced countries and the nuclear fuel cycle is dangerous to the common man. NAPM cautions that the deal might make India a junior military ally of the US and only MNCs.
'Is there any peace and Olympic spirit in a flame which has become the symbol of Chinese repression, arrogance and thirst for domination in Asia?'
This programme is qualitatively a downgraded version as compared to the Chinese military exercises with others such as with Russia (in August 2005), Pakistan (in 2005 at Taxkorgan area north of Sakshgam valley and in December 2006 at Abbotabad in Pakistan), Central Asian Republics (in August 2007).
The US will find it difficult to maintain the sinews of the forces that have held the global order together.
The moral of the story is that it is a world upside down, where not everything that appears evident and true is necessarily noble
An American working in India is still optimistic about his country's prospects.
The enslavement of the Muslim mind to the diktats of the mullahs has everything to do with the mullahs' political and personal interests in their capacity as self-styled 'authoritative' interpreters of Islam, says Yogi Sikand
The Maldives will be the nucleus of future security order in the Indian Ocean. Patently the Maldivians will have to migrate before the portended watery grave. Given what could happen by 2100, it is imperative for India to act in good faith, and also with an eye on our national interest. India should offer Maldives statehood within our Union.
The N-treaty volte face is a big loss of face for our country. I wonder who will take a frivolous India seriously now. Given the resounding triumph of Leftist blackmailers, wannabe blackmailers can roll their sleeves up and expect a field day hereafter.
That the political philosophy of Anna Hazare closely resonates with the overall anti-democratic Hindutva ethos owes, in part, to the Brahminical worldview that they share, says Yogi Sikand
Professor P Radhakrishnan, a sociologist from the Madras Institute of Development Studies, draws the difference between the LTTE and the ordinary Tamils of Sri Lanka.
If Admiral Mehta's warning that India is long way off from catching up to China can generate the requisite debate in the Indian political establishment about the rise of China and its implications for Indian strategy, he would have done his bit for the nation.
'People's expectations are so high that they won't wait for long. They won't tolerate any delay in pushing ahead development work at the fastest possible pace.'
Even in a banner year marked by achievements of the highest order across a wide variety of fields, it was inevitable that Dr Zakaria would be named India Abroad Person of the Year 2008. Filmmaker Mira Nair, who won the award last year, was on hand to honour her successor with the award that, over the seven years of its existence, has become one of the most sought after accolades in the community space
Despite the phenomenal rise of the People's Republic, all is not rosy in the Middle Kingdom and the Ox Year may be one of the most difficult of the People's Republic's 60 years of existence. The economic crisis has also brought its tale of desperation, not only in China, but also in Tibet. China watchers agree that it could be a time bomb.
China experts feel Indian defence strategy treats China, not Pakistan, as priority target, which they also believe provides for a partial border war, writes D S Rajan.
Zakia Nizami Soman, one of the founder members of the Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan, speaks of her organisation and and reflects on the daunting challenges facing Muslim women in India today.